Red Storm Wikia

Brandy is a Great Warrior of the Pareia Tribe.


Brandy is a wellbuilt, older man, he dresses simply and keeps his hair short on the sides with a ponytail on top. He has defining facial hair.


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Tribe War[]

Brandy Manhwa Infobox

Brandy getting injured

Brandy leads the assault on the Shuaruri Tribe after Baguna Provoke decides to declare war. Early on Brandy is injured by a stray arrow in the first war with Shuaruri, removing him from the field for the length of the war. 

Power and Abilities[]

As a Great Warrior Brandy is presumably a master of combat - both personal and tactical.

Brandy is considered Pareia's strongest Great Warrior in terms of combat ability, on par with Yarmaha, though lacking in tactical habilities when compared with the others.




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  1. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 6 Chapter 119, Brandy is first seen along other Pareia's Great Warriors

Site Navigation[]

v  d  e
Glow: Yulian Provoke Young Glow: Hiruna
Supreme Warriors: EganeVibliYarmaha
Members: AsasanBailey WaraptaBari SunajinBaru SunajinCantoChaoruCyanta PersianGraceHaisha SanakenHasimIgpaisKawawaKeredosKohesin JaalkiKonoMaribuMatataNei SunajinOrca ProvokePere ProvokeProda TrevelsSamanaShubeonTama TukataThretaThrint
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSenaSouta JaalkiVultionBrandyTrickle Wikito
v  d  e
Pareia Tribe: EganeVibliYaremahaBrandy 
Shuaruri Tribe: VenersisSabira RecharureYasashMadagul 
Vega Tribe: Kalbareth