Red Storm Wikia

The Chaos Seal is a magical painting deep within the The Field of Demon Beasts designed to repress demonic energy. It is guarded by Luff and Winnie.


The origins of the seal are relatively unknown, though Winnie said it was a seal utilized by him and the five other High Magicians in the world. It is unknown if this refers to the seal as a spell, or this individual seal. It seems to be under the jurisdiction of the Shire Tribe, and holds great importance in the balance of the world.


Winnie introduces Yulian to the damaged seal after they first meet. Winnie tells Yulian vaguely the purpose and function of the seal and asks for his help repairing it (as Luff fights to wildly and could damage the seal). After Red Storm arrives, and begins fighting the waves as training, Yulian and Winnie begin to work on the seal - Winnie conducting magic to fix it while Yulian keeps a Death Knight at bay with as little power as he can (as large expenditures of force will disrupt the seal) .

Chaos Seal Open

The Seal split open

Some force unexpectedly pressure the seal while they work, and Winnie tells Yulian to eliminate the death knight without regard to the seal. The seal splits down the middle and a void opens up allowing a monstrous darkness to reach through. Though the darkness seems relatively undefined, Yulian class it a head. Between Yulian's Aura and Winnie's sealing magic the head is repressed and the seal restored, but the break infuriates Winnie.

Devildome Gate Demonic Head

The demonic head that emerged through the Devildome Gate.

Trekol and Luff arrive at the seal, and though Winnie is fuming incomprehensibly he calls the tear a Devildome Gate that opened into the demonic world. Trekol mentions that this sounds similar to the Doors of the Shamed, some sort of (presumed) mythical hell in the stories of their Tribe, and both he and Yulian are stunned at the potential implications of these events.

Powers and Structure[]

The Chaos Seal is a large black circle, painted on the floor of a cave and formed of a variety of magical ruins. When being influenced by magic, the seal tends to glow and release bolts of energy.

Much about the seal is unknown, but it has been badly damaged by the appearance of The Dragon - and seems to be under assault by Ranoia and the rebels of the Shire Tribe who aim to destroy the seal. Winnie has spent at least three years guarding and maintaining the seal, but apparently is unable to fix it without the help of another powerful magician.

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