Chapter 1 is the first chapter of the comic Red Storm. It is titled "Outsider".
Yulian meets a strange man in the desert.
Yulian rides through the desert on a seemingly normal day, only to meet an old man who doesn't belong to any tribe according to his clothing. He tries to ask him about his origin: "Are you an outsider?", and quickly notices that there will be communication problems. The man speaks a completely different language. So he just offers him water and decides to take him to the village. The man doesn't want to climb on Yulian's horse Piruma, and would rather go on foot. Yulian finds this silly and challenges him by riding at full speed. But the old man always stays close behind. Yulian remains shocked.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Yulian Provoke (First Appearance)
- Piruma (First Appearance)
- Myung-hoon Chun (First Appearance)
- Yulian is introduced as a member of the Pareia Tribe.