Red Storm Wikia

Chapter 3 is the third chapter of the comic Red Storm. It is titled "The State of Art".


The villagers and Yulian spend some time with the mysterious man, Myung-hoon Chun, and learn about his skills.


Myung-hoon learns the language within a month. He is taught the culture and social structure such as money, food and women. The hunt is also demonstrated to him, with Myung-hoon once again proving his speed to the residents. After this month, young Yulian takes the opportunity to persuade Myung-hoon as his trainer as a thank you for his patience and efforts.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


  • The outsider is introduced by name, Myung-hoon Chun, for the first time. His age and nationality is unknown.
  • During Yulian's training, he is physically punished for mistakes without leaving bruises. Myung-hoon calls this "art".

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