Red Storm Wikia

Power and Abilities[]

Haisha is a skilled swordsman, able to reach the Seventh Trial of the Warrior Ceremony without much issue. His main skill stems from his quick and strategic mind, allowing him to see the most efficient and safest strategies both while fighting and commanding.

The strengths he displayed during the warrior ceremony were of moderation and harmony, and though the power he was granted is unknown it likely relates to this. His power is marked by a tattoo on his left arm.


  1. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 2 Chapter 23, Haisha debuts.

Site Navigation[]

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Glow: Yulian Provoke Young Glow: Hiruna
Supreme Warriors: EganeVibliYarmaha
Members: AsasanBailey WaraptaBari SunajinBaru SunajinCantoChaoruCyanta PersianGraceHaisha SanakenHasimIgpaisKawawaKeredosKohesin JaalkiKonoMaribuMatataNei SunajinOrca ProvokePere ProvokeProda TrevelsSamanaShubeonTama TukataThretaThrint
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSenaSouta JaalkiVultionBrandyTrickle Wikito
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Commander: Yulian Provoke Vice Commander: Haisha Sanaken
Officers: ShubeonThrintTrickle
Current members: AsasanThretaChaoruMaribuCanto