Red Storm Wikia
Red Storm Wikia

Hiruna[2] is first daughter of Yulian and Keredos, and currently the heir of the Vega tribe. Born during Yulian's stay in the Empire to study in the Royal Academy.


Hiruna is an infant, she has lighter hair and wears a simple circlet symbolic of her family's position.


Hiruna is almost always shown sleeping, but seems to be a calm child. Of course, at under a year old she shouldn't be expected to have much of a personality.


First child of the Young Glow of Pareia, Yulian. She was meant to be taken away from the Pareia Tribe by her mother (by the order of her own mother Vienna) to be raised by the Vega tribe.


Hiruna is born to Keredos while Yulian is studying in the Empire, and he is first able to see her only through an enchanted mirror used for communication.

Upon returning to the tribe Hiruna becomes something of a prized piece. Vienna demands she be given up to the Vega Tribe to become their next Glow, while Yulian refuses to give up his child, citing the fact that he never agreed to that condition when they arranged the marriage between Keredos - it was simply left ambiguous.

Ultimately, Keredos decides to return to the Vega as their Young Glow to temporarily relieve the conflict, leaving Hiruna under the care of Grace. However, the issue is certainly not resolved.

During Librie's coup attempt, Hiruna is nearly used as a hostage to thwart Yulian's unexpected survival and return. Though using an infant is extremely distasteful to her follower's sense of honor. Thrint plans to retrieve her using his speed, but ultimately it becomes a non-issue as Hiruna is safely delivered to her father's camp in the hands of her uncle, a very sickly Orca.


Hiruna (Chapter 210)
Hiruna Manhwa Infobox
Hiruna (5 years old)
5 year old Hiruna.
Hiruna (full body)
Hiruna - age 12 (Year 268) - Chapter 368
Hiruna at 12 years old. (Current)
Hiruna (chapter 368)
Hiruna using an ability similar to Thrint.


  1. Red Storm WebtoonChapter 266, Grace mentioned Hiruna's age to Chun Myung Hoon
  2. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 11 Chapter 209, Hiruna's name revealed in conversation between Yulian and Vienna

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v  d  e
Glow: Yulian Provoke Young Glow: Hiruna
Supreme Warriors: EganeVibliYarmaha
Members: AsasanBailey WaraptaBari SunajinBaru SunajinCantoChaoruCyanta PersianGraceHaisha SanakenHasimIgpaisKawawaKeredosKohesin JaalkiKonoMaribuMatataNei SunajinOrca ProvokePere ProvokeProda TrevelsSamanaShubeonTama TukataThretaThrint
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSenaSouta JaalkiVultionBrandyTrickle Wikito
v  d  e
Family Head: Yulian Provoke Heir: Hiruna
Tribe: Pareia Tribe
Members: GraceKeredosOrcaPereProda
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSena
v  d  e
Glow: Vienna Young Glow: Keredos
Supreme Warriors: Kalbareth
Members: Hiruna
Deceased: Kaltis  