Red Storm Wikia

Kibana is a warrior of the Shuaruri Tribe, and one of Sabira's most valued Lieutenants. By working with the Great Warrior he has become adept in military strategy.


Kibana is a thin man with sharp features, he wears a turban.


Kibana is respectful, intelligent, and a cool head in battle.


During the second war for the Quicksand Oases Kibana is sent by Sabira to assist and advise Recharure in his attack on Pareia. Due to Recharure's stubborn refusal to listen to any of Kibana's advice, the Shuaruri forces (though a much larger force) are unable to take the 1st Quicksand Oasis from Yarmaha and are eventually pushed back to their own oasis. However, they are again cut off by Vibli, and Kibana is forced to watch his commander panic as their force of 10,000 is trapped and completely destroyed.

Power and Abilities[]

Kibana's fighting abilities are unknown, but he is an experienced strategist who has trained under Shuaruri's most respected commander - Sabira.


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Glow: Ura Saba Young Glow: None
Supreme Warriors: YasashVenersis
Members: Basura GaluteChintoKibanaRecharureSlav VenersisSultanUnanaPisas
Deceased: HallyMadagulMadru SabaPalemoreSoakranSabira