Red Storm Wikia

Kohesin Jaalki[1] is a member of Jaalki Family. Grandson of Souta Jaalki and nephew to Librie


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During Pareia's Invasion of Shuaruri Kohesin Jaalki was sent to Librie by his father, Librie's brother, in attempt to make a deal with Librie to avoid sending warriors to the war as Jaalki family was spread too thin due to increase of production of Black Water for Silence Empire. However due to worry that they might fall out of tribe's favor Librie ordered them to comply.[2] Later he was seen giving news to Librie about Yulian and Basura's fight in the Battle for Third Oasis. Enraged by the news of Yulian's victory, Librie threw Kohesin out of the tent.[3]

Shortly after the war ended, Kohesin tried contacting Shadow Sword, but they refused the contact because pay wasn't worth it.[4]

After Librie's attempted coup, Kohesin, along with a small unit was sent to chase after Pere Provoke and poisoned Yulian. He finally caught up to them in the ruins, where he met a merchant pursued by Wanderers lead by Jinechel and Hebina. Merchant's asked for protection, Kohesin initially reluctant was bribed by the pouch of gems. Jinechel backed down for the time being, due to incoming sandstorm they decided to camp at the ruins.[5]

Power and Abilities[]

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  1. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 12 Chapter 225, Kohesin's name stated by Yulian
  2. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 6 Chapter 117, Kohesin talks to Librie on his father's behalf.
  3. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 8 Chapter 142, Kohesin brings news of war to Librie.
  4. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 8 Chapter 144, Kohesin contacts Shadow Sword
  5. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 12 Chapter 221, Kohesin chases after Pere and Yulian, meets merchants and Jinechel

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