Red Storm Wikia

Madagul was one of the Great Warriors of Shuaruri Tribe. Appointed by Ura when he first took control and tasked with fighting against Pareia.

He was originally one of Ura's bodyguards, Madagul was given leadership he had not earned after Ura became glow, Madagul attempted to take over the war front against Pareia.


He has a large moustache.


Cocky and inexperienced, Madagul is combative and irrational.


When he attempts to take over the war front and disrespects Basura and military tradition - he is beheaded.

Power and Abilities[]

Note: This section is under construction and revision.


Site Navigation[]

v  d  e
Glow: Ura Saba Young Glow: None
Supreme Warriors: YasashVenersis
Members: Basura GaluteChintoKibanaRecharureSlav VenersisSultanUnanaPisas
Deceased: HallyMadagulMadru SabaPalemoreSoakranSabira
v  d  e
Pareia Tribe: EganeVibliYaremahaBrandy 
Shuaruri Tribe: VenersisSabira RecharureYasashMadagul 
Vega Tribe: Kalbareth