Red Storm Wikia

Recharure is warrior of the Shuaruri Tribe, recently appointed Great Warrior by Ura Saba, though likely not at that level. Recharure was personal guard to Ura while he was Young Glow.[citation needed]


Recharure is a dark-skinned, intimidating man. He has definitive sideburns style facial hair.


Recharure is lazy and conceited, he thinks very highly of himself and rarely respects the opinions or achievements of others. Despite an outward air of confidence, he is unable to act with any ability when under pressure.


After Ura inherited the position of Glow from his father, Recharure was promoted to Great Warrior, much to the distaste of the previous military officers.

During the second war for the Quicksand Oases, Ura sends Recharure with a force of 10,000 men to overtake the center oasis and break the ceasefire. Believing Pareia to be in disarray, and the size of his force to be unbeatable, Recharure ignores the advice of Kibana (Sabira's liuetenant and a much more experienced strategist) and takes his time marching to the field getting there four days after the initial declaration of war to find Yarmaha and a small troop of Pareia forces fortified and waiting.

Unfazed, Recharure attempts to overwhelm the defenders with sheer numbers - but due to the limited space and the overwhelming advantage in individual skill Yarmaha and his warriors easily hold out. Recharure commits a large force to an aggressive assault, but with the arrival of some reinforcement and the realization that Venersis isn't fighting - Yarmaha traps and destroys nearly half of Recharure's forces. Shocked and confused, Recharure finally calls for retreat after his terrible failure and attempts to return to the third oasis.

However, in the meantime Vibli and the rest of Pariea's forces have reached Shuaruri's side and due to Yarmaha's stunningly fast victory are able to cut Recharure off. Though a risky move, Pariea's choice pays of well and Recharure's force is annihilated, their commander presumably perishing with them.

Power and Abilities[]

Recharure likely has some prowess as a warrior, but is no where near the level of most Great Warriors. In terms of strategic ability he is especially lacking, and may be the worst commander seen so far.


Site Navigation[]

v  d  e
Glow: Ura Saba Young Glow: None
Supreme Warriors: YasashVenersis
Members: Basura GaluteChintoKibanaRecharureSlav VenersisSultanUnanaPisas
Deceased: HallyMadagulMadru SabaPalemoreSoakranSabira
v  d  e
Pareia Tribe: EganeVibliYaremahaBrandy 
Shuaruri Tribe: VenersisSabira RecharureYasashMadagul 
Vega Tribe: Kalbareth