Page Layouts |
This page gives descriptions for page layouts. To show the template text, click the "Expand" button to the right, and to hide it, click the "Collapse" button.
Chapter Pages[]
The heading of the page will contain the chapter number.
Chapter Box[]
This section will contain information related to the chapter, such as its release year and chapter name.
- Further information: Template:Chapter Box
Short Summary[]
Brief synopsis of the chapter. Stick to key points.
Long Summary[]
Long description of what happens in the chapter.
Quick Reference[]
Chapter Notes[]
Brief bullets with key points or noteworthy events. This only includes the cover page if it has wider impact on the plot of the series.
A list of characters who appear in the chapter.
The correct chapter season navigation.
At the bottom of every page, please supply relevant Categories, such as:
- Chapters
Character Pages[]
Character Pages should be started with a brief encyclopedic description of a character. This should be short and give an overview of the character.
This describes in detail the overall appearance of the character. The description should contain notes on important details such as tattoos and personal item of importance. The description should contain enough detail to give a reader an idea on what the character looks like without a visual aid, such a picture to help them.
How the character acts.
How the character acts towards other characters.
Past Story[]
What the character did before the Storyline began.
Present Story[]
Things that have happened since introduced to the Storyline.
Current Events (Spoilers)[]
Things that have happened in recent chapters.
Abilities and Powers[]
Full details on what the character can do, both inside and outside of battles.
Give details on any weapons used and how they are used.
Major Battles[]
If possible, supply any details of any major battles the Character took part in and against who.
Miscellaneous information that cannot be fitted into the article.
Contains the Code {{ref}}. Any information reference in the article appears here.
External Links[]
Sites of relevance to this page.
At the bottom of every Character page, please supply Categories that the page falls into:
- by character's gender: one of the categories Female Characters, Male Characters
- by character's race/species: one of the categories Human, Animal, Demon Beasts, Angels, etc.
- by birthplace or, if unknown, by place where the character was introduced: one of the categories Pareia Tribe Characters, Shuaruri Tribe Characters, Dupure Tribe Characters, Rivolde Tribe Characters, Silence Empire Characters, Shire Tribe Characters
- by abilities: categories, possibly several, such as Heavenly Demon Arts Users, War Gods, Magicians, etc.
- by occupation: categories, possibly several, such as Warriors, Knights, Doctors, etc.
- if character is undoubtedly dead, then add category Deceased Characters
Family Pages[]
The heading of the page will contain the family name and a brief overview of their position.
An overview of the various facts and abilities of each family
An overview of the family's members
Family Tree[]
Appropriate Template for the family in question. Family Tree Templates
Records everything done by members of the family.
At the bottom of every page, please supply relevant Categories, such as:
- Families
Location Pages[]
Location pages should be started with a brief encyclopedic description of the location.
A description of the geography of the location.
Any of the locations.
Notable Places[]
List of any notable places.
A portrait gallery of the citizens of the location.
The known history of this location, supplying any noteworthy details on its storyline history.
Include any wild-life that the location has.
Miscellaneous information that cannot be fitted into the article.
Contains the Code {{Ref}}. Any information reference in the article appears here.
External Links[]
Sites of relevance to this page.
Add {{Regions of the Known World}} in this section.
At the bottom of every page, please supply relevant Categories, such as: