Red Storm Wikia

Saira[2] Lonnez[3] Silence is the daughter of Emperor Silence, sister to Shaone Fury Silence and Shareulo Fury Silence and the Imperial Princess of the Silence Empire.

As a princess, Lonnez has no chance of inheriting the throne, but has still been forced into the political maze of her family. Her hand in marriage is a valued object for knights and courtiers, and she is expected to behave nobly.


A beautiful women with fine and pale features. She dresses reflective of her station.


Lonnez is a quiet and discerning individual, and tends to be somewhat resigned to her station and powerless prestige. She is loyal to her family and duty, but not overly conservative.


While being pursued by Laddens for marriage, Lonnez came across Haisha while he was fleeing with a servant woman from some of Laddens aggressive knights. Lonnez witnessed Haisha defeat them to protect the women, and watched his fight with Laddens (partially to keep Lonnez herself from the situation) despite protesting.

When Yulian and Shaone arrived, Lonnez testified to the truth of the events, and did her best to heal Haisha's grievous wounds while Yulian and Laddens dueled.

Impressed by Haisha's chivalry and charm, Lonnez seems to have held some affection for him since the fight - but is of course unable to show anything due to her position. During the coupe, she flees with her brother. After the siege on Henkel Fortress she marries Haisha as part of a peace treaty. A small ceremony is held in the fortress in celebration of the new couple.

Power and Abilities[]

Healing - One of very few characters to display such magic, Lonnez has shown some capability to heal wounds without potions or herbs. The specifics are unknown, but it is likely a form of the algorithmic continental magic, though Lonnez's channeling of the healing appears similar to the use of Force. When healing Haisha, she used the incantation Sanatio.


  1. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 10 Chapter 189, Saira Lonnez Silence debuts.
  2. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 10 Chapter 193, Saira Lonnez Silence is refered to as Saira by Shaone
  3. Red Storm Webtoon — Season 10 Chapter 199, middle part of the name revealed by Silence Emperor

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Emperor: Shareulo Crowned Prince: None
Royal Family: LonnezShaone
Force Masters: Saiha Lin AmanerasVeredo Lin Saneche
Members: HamesHutisJanet
Deceased: JebrielSilenceTyrant SilenceLaddensDaniel Lin HallsLawrence