Red Storm Wikia

The renowned Academy of the Silence Empire, and perhaps the greatest center of knowledge in the known world. It houses extensive libraries and great minds.


Established three hundred years ago by the original Silence Emperor, the Academy was intended to allow the Empire to surpass all others in terms of learning as their armies surpass others in terms of military.

Since its establishment this goal has proven true, and the Academy is now the most popular school in all the continents with only the most noble students and celebrated scholars coming to learn and teach. Even royal children of enemy nations come to study with the academy, and it is considered a great honor to be offered a position there.


In order to pacify the damaged relations between the Empire and Pareia after Shareulo's terrible disrespects, Janet offers an invitation to study at the Imperial Academy to the tribe's Young Glow, Yulian Provoke. While a bargaining chip, Janet also offers this with the hope that bringing Yulian to the Empire will indirectly bring the War God and Pareia closer to their control. Janet believes that if Yulian is impressed with the Empire's advanced culture he will, whether intentionally or not, bring such practices back to the desert along with a more favorable view of the Empire. He also seems to have some intention for supporting Shareulo by bringing Yulian.

Though a considerable concern, Baguna and the elder council of Pareia ultimately agree that it is in the tribe's best interest for Yulian to take the offer. Leaving their families and Red Storm behind, Yulian and Haisha set out for the academy and Empire. Though it is a dangerous and complex time, the two learn a great deal about everything from politics to history to "noble" behavior of the empire.

After the coupe, the two flee the academy and empire.

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