Red Storm Wikia

Souta Jaalki was the head of Jaalki Family. He is the father of Librie and two of her brothers, grandfather of Orca Provoke and Kohesin Jaalki.


An old man who sports a large moustache, he typically wears a head cloth.


An ambitious but traditional man, not opposed to underhanded tactics but not completely without honor.


Souta is Librie's chief supporter in her attempted coupe, and helps to arrange the murder of the Glow and his family, as well as the ensuing events. Presumably Souta issued all the orders to his warriors as well as actively working within the tribe to garner support for his daughter.

As things turned away from the Jaalki's favor, Souta began to waiver, and was shocked at the dishonorable lengths Librie would go to for her mad plot - like using an infant Hiruna as a bargaining chip.

When Yulian returned to his tribe, he quickly beheaded Souta as one of the leaders of the traitors to restore order, preserve honor, and make an example. As he peacefully went to his death, Souta only asked that Yulian remember his promise (likely the one to Orca to spare Librie's life)

Power and Abilities[]

Souta Jaalki had influence over his family and a considerable number of warriors, he displayed no personal abilities however. As family head and an elder he held high influence in Pareia.

Site Navigation[]

v  d  e
Glow: Yulian Provoke Young Glow: Hiruna
Supreme Warriors: EganeVibliYarmaha
Members: AsasanBailey WaraptaBari SunajinBaru SunajinCantoChaoruCyanta PersianGraceHaisha SanakenHasimIgpaisKawawaKeredosKohesin JaalkiKonoMaribuMatataNei SunajinOrca ProvokePere ProvokeProda TrevelsSamanaShubeonTama TukataThretaThrint
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSenaSouta JaalkiVultionBrandyTrickle Wikito
v  d  e
Family Head: Heir:
Tribe: Pareia Tribe
Members: Kohesin Jaalki
Deceased: Souta JaalkiLibrie