Red Storm Wikia

Vibli is Pareia's Great Warrior. Very able warrior and good tactician.


Vibli is a dark skinned and powerfully built man with a dark, tied off beard.


Vibli is shown to be a level headed, yet stern leader with little tolerance for insubordination, as shown when he argued that Yulian Provoke should be punished for disobeying orders during the Shuaruri conflict.


During Pareia's Invasion of Shuaruri Vibli is sent to the first Oases of the Flowing Sands with Yaremaha and Brandy to hold it while Egane and Yulian Provoke fight Basura Galute.

Power and Abilities[]

As one of Pareia's four Great Warriors, Vibli is undoubtedly a powerful fighter and accomplished tactician as well as Force user.

Viblie uses a long shamshir.


Vibli was one of the characters that had his model changed. His first appearance was in Chapter 119, but the new model was shown in Chapter 136.

Vibli's Early Model

Site Navigation[]

v  d  e
Glow: Yulian Provoke Young Glow: Hiruna
Supreme Warriors: EganeVibliYarmaha
Members: AsasanBailey WaraptaBari SunajinBaru SunajinCantoChaoruCyanta PersianGraceHaisha SanakenHasimIgpaisKawawaKeredosKohesin JaalkiKonoMaribuMatataNei SunajinOrca ProvokePere ProvokeProda TrevelsSamanaShubeonTama TukataThretaThrint
Deceased: BagunaLibrieMeinaSenaSouta JaalkiVultionBrandyTrickle Wikito
v  d  e
Pareia Tribe: EganeVibliYaremahaBrandy 
Shuaruri Tribe: VenersisSabira RecharureYasashMadagul 
Vega Tribe: Kalbareth